Carolino Augusteum Museum

Location - Museumsplatz 6

Carolino Augusteum Museum, or the 'CA' as locals call it, is really a family of 5 museums -

-the main CA museum
-the Hohensalzburg Fortress Museum
-the Salzburg Dom Museum
-the Salzburg Toy Museum
-the Volkskunde Museum

If you are interested in visiting the main museum, you'll find it huge and impressive.

It aims to display a collection of art that tell the story of Salzburg's history and culture from prehistoric times to the current day.

No small undertaking!

Enjoy an amazing array of well curated exhibitions and modern multimedia installations.

Click here to explore some other museums!

Museum of Modern Art

Baroque Museum

Residenz Museum

Rupertinum Museum

Salzburg Toy Museum

Stiegl Brauwelt Brewery

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