Rupertinum Museum

Location - Wiener Philharmonikergasse 9

Rupertinum Museum, sister museum to the Museum of Modern Art, is a great place to go if you need some modern inspiration and respite from the more traditional art museums.

This museum has a story to tell.

The building that now houses the museum dates back to 1350. It was used as a training college for priests-in-the-making and officials.

The "Collegium Rupertinum", as it was called, was further renovated in the Early Baroque style in 1633.

It was used for hundered of years as a seminary and later as quarters for a student residence (until 1974).

Take a look at the fantastic collection of works by Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka and Alfred Kubin. Austrian Expressionism also features with works by Hans Fronius, Herbert Boeckl, Eduard Bäumer.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00am - 06.00pm
Wednesday: 10.00am - 09.00pm
Monday: closed

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