Salzburg Steingasse

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Nestled between Kapuzinerberg mountain and the Salzach River, the medieval street Steingasse retains is charm and beauty.

Originally an import trade route, Steingasse was the main point of entry for consignments of salt arriving from the township Hallein.

It was also the entry point for those traveling through the mountains, on to Italy.

Those passing would enter though the narrow "Steintor" gate built in 1280.

Steingasse once hosted a number of workers, including "potters, dyers and tanners". Today however you will find a great selection of cafes and small shops to explore.

At No. 9 Steingasse, you can also find the birthplace of Joseph Mohr. His name might not be so well known, however as the man who wrote the Xmas carol "Silent Night, Holy Night" - his words are.

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