The Sound of Music film was a run away success. It was nominated for ten Academy Awards, and won five. It was distributed around the world and would go on to remain one of the all time favourite musical classics.
Maria's life changes dramatically when she is sent by her Mother Superior to be the governess in the household of Baron Georg Ritter von Trapp - a rather overbearing ex-commander from the former Austro-Hungarian Navy.
Upon meeting the Baron, she is warned that she is "twelfth in a long line of governesses”, the last of whom “lasted two hours”. With such a warm welcome, Maria goes on to devise unconventional methods of 'discipline' that endear her to the previously incorrigible children. Singing, wearing clothing cut from curtains and the like... She also manages to wins over the authoritarian Baron, who decides to break up with his girlfriend - the wealthy, gorgeous, illustrious Austrian Baroness Elsa Schraeder - and proposes marriage to Maria instead . Shortly after their marriage, the annexation of Austria to Germany occurs (1938) and the family flee the Nazi regime by crossing the Austrian mountains to freedom in Switzerland. Today, the Von Trapp family live in the USA. In 1941 they purchased a farm in Stowe, Vermont, which became known as the 'Trapp Family Lodge'. Today it is a hotel. Click on this Viator link to book "The Sound of Music Tour" in Salzburg
Click here - to continue with the story! The Sound of Music Tour - What to See! Click here!